Source code for letterboxd.letterboxd

Python 3 wrapper for
Version 0 of the Letterboxd API

import os

from letterboxd.api import API
from letterboxd.config import API_BASE_URL
from letterboxd.user import User
from .services.auth import Authentication
from import Film, FilmCollection, Films
from .services.list import List
from .services.member import Member
from import Search
from .services.list import Lists

# TODO: Write these modules
# from .services.comment import Comment
# from .services.log_entry import LogEntry
# from import News

[docs]class Letterboxd(object): """ Loads the API base URL, API key, and API shared secret, and connects with all of the other classes. If the key and secret are not passed as arguments, it looks for them as environment variables, as LBXD_API_KEY and LBXD_API_SECRET. """ # noinspection PyPep8Naming def __init__(self, api_base=API_BASE_URL, api_key="", api_secret=""): """ :param api_base: str - the base URL of the API, including version number :param api_key: str :param api_secret: str """ self.api_base = api_base self.api_key = api_key self.api_secret = api_secret if self.api_key == "": # If the variable wasn't passed in, # try to get the environment variable instead LBXD_API_KEY = os.environ.get("LBXD_API_KEY", None) class APIKeyMissingError(Exception): pass if LBXD_API_KEY is None: raise APIKeyMissingError( "All methods require an API key. See " " " "for more information" ) else: self.api_key = LBXD_API_KEY if self.api_secret == "": # If the variable wasn't passed in, # try to get the environment variable instead LBXD_API_SECRET = os.environ.get("LBXD_API_SECRET", None) class APISecretMissingError(Exception): pass if LBXD_API_SECRET is None: raise APISecretMissingError( "All methods require an API secret. See " " " "for more information" ) else: self.api_secret = LBXD_API_SECRET self.api = API(self.api_base, self.api_key, self.api_secret)
[docs] def auth(self): """ :return: services.auth.Authentication object """ # noinspection PyArgumentList auth = Authentication(api=self.api) return auth
[docs] def user(self, username, password): """ Signs in the user, and adds the oAuth token to future API calls :param username: str :param password: str :return: user.User object """ user = User(api=self.api, username=username, password=password) self.api.user = user return user
[docs] def film(self, film_id): """ :param film_id: str - the LID of a film on Letterboxd :return: object """ film = Film(film_id=film_id, api=self.api) return film
[docs] def films(self): """ :return: object """ films = Films(api=self.api) return films
[docs] def film_collection(self, film_collection_id, film_collection_request): """ /film-collection/{id} Get details about a film collection by ID. The response will include the film relationships for the signed-in member and the member indicated by the member LID if specified. :param film_collection_id: str - LID of the FilmCollection :param film_collection_request: dict - FilmCollectionRequest :return: dict - FilmCollection """ film_collection_object = FilmCollection(api=self.api) film_collection_item = film_collection_object.film_collection( film_collection_id=film_collection_id, film_collection_request=film_collection_request, ) return film_collection_item
[docs] def member(self, member_id): """ :param member_id: str - LID for Letterboxd member :return: services.member.Member object """ member = Member(api=self.api, member_id=member_id) return member
[docs] def search(self, search_request): """ /search :param search_request: dict - SearchRequest :return: dict - SearchResponse """ search = Search(self.api) search_response = return search_response
[docs] def list(self, list_id): """ :param list_id: str - the LID of a list on Letterboxd :return: services.list.List object """ list = List(list_id=list_id, api=self.api) return list
def lists(self, lists_request): lists = Lists(self.api) lists_response = lists.lists(lists_request=lists_request) return lists_response def create_list(self, list_creation_request): lists = Lists(self.api) list_create_response = lists.create_list( list_creation_request=list_creation_request ) return list_create_response