Source code for

import logging


[docs]class List(object): """ /list/* services for the Letterboxd API """ def __init__(self, api, list_id=None): """ Initializes a Film object with a specific film. :param api: API object :param list_id: str - LID for the film on Letterboxd """ self._api = api self._list_id = list_id
[docs] def details(self, list_id=None): """ /list/{id} Get details of a list by LID. If no list ID passed, uses the initialized list. :param list_id: str - LID of the film :return: dict - Film """ if list_id is None: list_id = self._list_id response = self._api.api_call(path=f"list/{list_id}") return response.json()
[docs] def update(self, list_id=None, list_update_request=None): """ /list/{id} [PATCH] Update a list by ID. Calls to this endpoint must include the access token for an authenticated member. :param list_id: str - LID of the list :param list_update_request: dict - ListUpdateRequest :return: dict - ListUpdateResponse """ if list_id is None: list_id = self._list_id response = self._api.api_call( path=f"list/{list_id}", method="PATCH", params=list_update_request ) return response.json()
[docs] def delete(self, list_id=None): """ /list/{id} Delete a list by ID. Does NOT default to the initialized List instance LID, so as to not accidentally delete the instance list. Calls to this endpoint must include the access token for an authenticated member, and the authenticated member must be the owner of the specified list. :param list_id: str - LID of the list :return: bool - Success """ # API call for DELETE expects params, # so I need to at least give it a blank dict response = self._api.api_call( path=f"list/{list_id}", method="DELETE", params={} ) if response.status_code is 204: # 204: Success return True else: return False
[docs] def comments(self, list_id=None, comments_request=None): """ /list/{id}/comments A cursored window over the comments for a list. Use the ‘next’ cursor to move through the comments. :param list_id: str - LID of the list :param comments_request: dict - CommentsRequest :return: """ if list_id is None: list_id = self._list_id response = self._api.api_call(path=f"list/{list_id}/comments") list_comments_response = response.json() return list_comments_response
[docs] def create_comment(self, list_id=None, comment_creation_request=None): """ /list/{id}/comments Create a comment on a list. Calls to this endpoint must include the access token for an authenticated member. :param list_id: str - LID for the list :param comment_creation_request: dict - CommentCreationRequest :return: dict - ListComment """ if list_id is None: list_id = self._list_id response = self._api.api_call( path=f"list/{list_id}/comments", method="POST", params=comment_creation_request, ) list_comment = response.json() return list_comment
[docs] def entries(self, list_id=None, list_entries_request=None): """ /list/{id}/entries Get entries for a list by ID. :param list_id: str - LID of the list :param list_entries_request: dict - ListEntriesRequest :return: dict - ListEntriesResponse """ if list_id is None: list_id = self._list_id response = self._api.api_call( path=f"list/{list_id}/entries", params=list_entries_request ) list_entries_response = response.json() return list_entries_response
[docs] def me(self, list_id=None): """ /list/{id}/me Get details of the authenticated member’s relationship with a list by ID. Calls to this endpoint must include the access token for an authenticated member. :param list_id: str - LID of the list :return: dict - ListRelationship """ if list_id is None: list_id = self._list_id response = self._api.api_call(path=f"list/{list_id}/me") list_relationship = response.json() return list_relationship
[docs] def me_update(self, list_id=None, list_relationship_update_request=None): """ /list/{id}/me Update the authenticated member’s relationship with a list by ID. Calls to this endpoint must include the access token for an authenticated member. :param list_id: str - LID for the list :param list_relationship_update_request: dict - ListRelationshipUpdateRequest :return: dict - ListRelationshipUpdateResponse """ if list_id is None: list_id = self._list_id response = self._api.api_call( path=f"list/{list_id}/me", method="PATCH", params=list_relationship_update_request, ) list_relationship_update_response = response.json() return list_relationship_update_response
[docs] def report(self, list_id=None, report_list_request=None): """ /list/{id}/report Report a list by ID. Does NOT default to the initialized List instance LID, so as to not submit erroneous reports. Calls to this endpoint must include the access token for an authenticated member. :param list_id: str - LID of the list :param report_list_request: dict - ReportListRequest :return: bool - Success """ response = self._api.api_call( path=f"list/{list_id}/report", params=report_list_request, method="POST" ) if response.status_code is 204: # 204: Success return True else: return False
[docs] def statistics(self, list_id=None): """ /list/{id}/statistics Get statistical data about a list by ID. :param list_id: str - LID of the list :return: dict - ListStatistics """ if list_id is None: list_id = self._list_id response = self._api.api_call(path=f"list/{list_id}/statistics") list_statistics = response.json() return list_statistics
[docs]class Lists(object): """ /lists service for the Letterboxd API """ def __init__(self, api): """ :param api: API object """ self._api = api
[docs] def lists(self, lists_request=None): """ [GET] /lists A cursored window over a list of lists. Use the ‘next’ cursor to move through the list. :param lists_request: dict - ListsRequest :return: dict - ListsResponse """ response = self._api.api_call(path="lists", params=lists_request) lists_response = response.json() logging.debug(lists_response) return lists_response
[docs] def create_list(self, list_creation_request=None): """ [POST] /lists Create a list. Calls to this endpoint must include the access token for an authenticated member. :param list_creation_request: dict - ListCreationRequest :return: dict - ListCreateResponse """ response = self._api.api_call( path="lists", params=list_creation_request, method="POST" ) list_create_response = response.json() logging.debug(list_create_response) return list_create_response