services package reference

auth module

User authentication services for the Letterboxd API

Authentication API Documentation:

class, username, password)[source]

User authentication services for Letterboxd

This token business mostly takes care of itself. Instantiate authentication with username and password, then call token(), and if there isn’t a token already, or if it’s expired, it will go and get one.

static forgotten_password_request(api, forgotten_password_request)[source]


Request a link via email to reset the password for a member’s account.

Request:forgotten_password_request - ForgottenPasswordRequest
Returns:int - HTTP status code
login(username, password)[source]

User access to the Letterboxd API. Requests a token for the user.

  • username – str
  • password – str

dict - either an AccessToken or OAuthError


Uses the current single-use refresh_token to request a new access token for the user

Returns:dict - either an AccessToken or OAuthError

Checks if the user authentication token already exists. If not, it tries to get one. If it does exist, it checks to see if it is expired, and if so, it attempts to refresh the token.

Returns:str - user token

film module

class, film_id=None)[source]

/film/* services for the Letterboxd API



Get availability data about a film by ID. If no film ID passed, uses the initialized film.

NOTE: This data is currently available to first-party only.

Parameters:film_id – str - LID of the film
Returns:dict - FilmAvailabilityResponse


Get details about a film by ID. If no film ID passed, uses the initialized film.

Parameters:film_id – str - LID of the film
Returns:dict - Film


Get details of the authenticated member’s relationship with a film by ID. If no film ID passed, uses the initialized film.

Parameters:film_id – str - LID of the film
Returns:dict - FilmRelationship
me_update(film_relationship_update_request, film_id=None)[source]

/film/{id}/me [PATCH]

Update the authenticated member’s relationship with a film by ID.

Calls to this endpoint must include the access token for an authenticated member

  • film_id – str - LID of the film
  • film_relationship_update_request – dict - FilmRelationshipUpdateRequest

dict - FilmRelationshipUpdateResponse

members(film_id=None, member_film_relationships_request=None)[source]


Get details of members’ relationships with a film by ID. If no film ID passed, uses the initialized film.

  • film_id – str - LID of the film
  • member_film_relationships_request – dict - MemberFilmRelationshipsRequest

dict - MemberFilmRelationshipsResponse

report(film_id=None, report_film_request=None)[source]


Report problems with a film by ID. Does NOT default to the initialized Film instance LID, so as to not submit unnecessary reports.

  • film_id – str - the LID of the film
  • report_film_request – dict - ReportFilmRequest




Get statistical data about a film by ID.

Parameters:film_id – str - the LID of the film
Returns:dict - FilmStatistics

/film-collection service for the Letterboxd API

film_collection(film_collection_id=None, film_collection_request=None)[source]


Get details about a film collection by ID. The response will include the film relationships for the signed-in member and the member indicated by the member LID if specified.

  • film_collection_id – str - The LID of the film collection.
  • film_collection_request – dict - FilmCollectionRequest

dict - FilmCollection


/films/* services for the Letterboxd API



A cursored window over the list of films.

Use the ‘next’ cursor to move through the list. The response will include the film relationships for the signed-in member and the member indicated by the member LID if specified.

Parameters:films_request – dict - FilmsRequest


Get a list of genres supported by the /films endpoint.

Genres are returned in alphabetical order.

Returns:dict - GenresResponse


Get a list of services supported by the /films endpoint.

Services are returned in alphabetical order. Some services are only available to paying members, so results will vary based on the authenticated member’s status.

Returns:dict - FilmServicesResponse

member module

class, member_id=None)[source]

/member/* services for the Letterboxd API



Get details about a member by ID.

# TODO: Write this function

Parameters:member_id – str - The LID of the member.
Returns:dict - Member
watchlist(member_id=None, watchlist_request=None)[source]


Get details of a member’s public watchlist by ID.

The response will include the film relationships for the signed-in member, the watchlist’s owner, and the member indicated by the member LID if specified (the member and memberRelationship parameters are optional, and can be used to perform comparisons between the watchlist owner and another member). Use the /film/{id}/me endpoint to add or remove films from a member’s watchlist.

  • member_id – str - The LID of the member.
  • watchlist_request – dict - WatchlistRequest

dict - FilmsResponse